When you click on some of these links, they will download rather than open. Please check your download file if the link doesn’t open. Thank you!
Documentation Forms All FCNs are required to document interactions with clients by the ANA Scope and Standards of Practice. Here are some forms that may make that important task easier.
- FCN Initial Assessment Form: (https://www.fcnntc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Faith-Community-Nurse-Initial-Assessment-Form.docx)
- FCN Brief Encounter Form: Use this for a one-time encounter with a client where you won’t be opening a “chart” on that person.https://www.fcnntc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/FCN-Brief-Encounter-Documentation-Form.docx
- FCN Documentation Form (PDF) Instructions for Use https://www.fcnntc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/FCN-client-visit-record-How-to-Use.pdf
- FCN Documentation Form: (Phttps://www.fcnntc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/FCN-client-visit-record.pdfDF
- Faith Community Nurse Resources for New FCNs:
- Sample FCN Job Description:https://www.fcnntc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Job-Description-Example.pdf
- What is a Faith Community Nurse? https://www.fcnntc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/what-is-faith-community-nursing-poster-1.pdf
- Commissioning Service Example:https://www.fcnntc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Commissioning-Service-for-FCN-Example.docx
- Westberg Institute Position Paper on FCNs and Home Health Nursing: https://www.fcninternational.org/resources/Documents/POSITION%20STATEMENT%20Home%20Health%20Nursing%20Dec2019.pdf
- Faith Community Assessment of Needs:https://www.fcnntc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Health-Survey-for-Faith-Community-1.docx
- Care Ministry Network: A Lyngblomsten online volunteer training portal for a faith community’s caring ministry to older adults. A number of Faith Community Nurses have a membership and use this tool to organize and train volunteers. Included are a number of dementia trainings. https://careministrynetwork.net/
Resources for FCNs and Their Clients
Advance Care Planning: https://honoringchoices.org/
Assessment of Faith Community Needs (Survey):https://www.fcnntc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Health-Survey-for-Faith-Community-1.docx
- Caregiver Resources A Lyngblomsten program to help faith community nurses find resources that support family caregiver including respite programs such as The Gathering:https://www.lyngblomsten.org/community-services/caregiver-resources1/
- Intentional Care of the Spirit
- What are Spiritual Needs?
- Assessing Spiritual Needs Tool: H.O.P.E https://www.fcnntc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/HOPE-Spiritual-Assessment-for-FCNs.pdf
- Cold versus Flu Handout from CDC:
- https://images.app.goo.gl/qKNedwVUtBQsfYXy7
- Grief Resources:
- Brighter Day Grief Center: https://brighterdaysgriefcenter.org/
- Grief Share:https://www.griefshare.org/
- Mental Health Resources:
- National Alliance for Mental Minnesota:https://namimn.org/
- PHQ -9 Questionnaire for Depression:https://www.apa.org/depression-guideline/patient-health-questionnaire.pdf
- QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) resources for suicide prevention: https://qprinstitute.com/about-qpr
- Patient Education information: (Trusted sources for health conditions in clie
- Cold versus Flu Handout from CDC:
- https://images.app.goo.gl/qKNedwVUtBQsfYXy7nt language)
- My Health Finder website is a credible source for all kinds of health information:
- https://health.gov/myhealthfinder
- MHealth Fairview Patient Education Articles Great site if you’re wanting more information about a health condition: https://www.healthwise.net/mhealthfairview/Content/CustDocument.aspx?XML=STUB.XML&XSL=CD.FRONTPAGE.XSL&sv=7425d6c5-e92b-6d40-3c26-2a2a15e29b4c
- Older Adults: (Also see “additional resources” below)
- Dementia Friends (a training program to increase understanding of dementia and support those those living with dementia.):https://dementiafriendsusa.org/sessions-your-state-territory
- Signs an Aging Client May Need Help: https://acl.gov/sites/default/files/news%202017-03/10_Warning_Signs_Your_Older_Family_Member_May_Need_Help.pdfp
- What to Do When I Go Home from the Hospital
- https://www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/publications/files/goinghomeguide.pdf
- Senior Linkage Line (MN) A wealth of information for aging Minnesotans: https://mn.gov/senior-linkage-line/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=organic
- Senior Housing Guide for Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul:
Vaccination Schedules:
Vaccination Schedule for Children (State of MN) https://www.health.state.mn.us/people/immunize/basics/readykidswhento.pdf
Vaccination Schedule for Adults (CDC) https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/adult.html
Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing Website:
Transportation Resources for Clients
- MetroMobility: Shared ride services for older adults with disabilities. FCNs can write a referral and help a client complete an application: https://metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Services/Metro-Mobility-Home.aspx
- Non-emergency medical transportation (low-income; refugees, etc)https://www.mtm-inc.net/minnesota/
Topics in Faith Community Nursing
Start the New Year with Self-Care (Word)
Staying Healthy
These articles were created by Nancy Lee Nelson, J.D., MPH, BAN, FCN. She has generously given permission for other faith community nurses to use in their own faith community newsletters.
NOTE: Please do not modify Nancy’s work, and be sure to credit her with a proper citation.
- Staying Healthy: Spirituality and Prayer (PDF)
- Staying Healthy: SARS-COV2 a/k/a COVID 19 Vaccine Research Development (Word)
- Staying Healthy: Improving Immunity by Minimizing Stress (Word)
- Staying Healthy: Supporting Your Immune System in the Era of the Pandemic – Physical Fitness (Word)
- Staying Healthy: Supporting Your Immune System in the Era of the Pandemic – Quality Sleep Strategies (Word)
- Staying Healthy: Supporting Your Immune System in the Era of the Pandemic (Word)
- Staying Healthy: Credible Facts About Covid-19 (Word)
- Staying Healthy: Supporting Others (Word)
- Staying Healthy: Resiliency in the Era of the Pandemic (Word)
- Staying Healthy: Nutrition, Meal Planning, and Grocery Shopping in the Time of Covid-19 (Word)
- Staying Healthy: Resources and Tools to Care for Ourselves and Others in the Time of Covid-19 (Word)
Continuing Education Resources
The Faith Community Nurse Education Collaborative Facebook page is a place for FCNs to discover information about educational opportunities of interest. You must submit a request and answer some questions to be included:
Other Resources
These documents and websites may be useful to reference for your FCN practice.
- American Nurses Association – ANA
- American Nurses Credentialing Center – ANCC
- Adult Day Care Services in MN: https://www.careminnesota.org/list06_minnesota_adult_day_care.htm
- Blood Pressure Guidelines (AHA):https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/find-high-blood-pressure-tools–resources/blood-pressure-fact-sheets
- Caregiver Resources: https://mn.gov/senior-linkage-line/caregivers/tips-for-caregivers/
- Honoring Choices Minnesota: https://honoringchoices.org/
- Meals on Wheels:https://www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org/
- Medication Disposal in Hennepin County:https://www.hennepin.us/residents/recycling-hazardous-waste/medicine-disposal
- Prescription Drugs low cost options (:https://www.health.state.mn.us/facilities/insurance/clearinghouse/docs/prescription.pdf
- Nursing Home “Report Card” State of MN:https://nhreportcard.dhs.mn.gov/
- Seniors’ Legal Rights (PDF) – From the office of the Minnesota Attorney General:https://www.ag.state.mn.us/consumer/handbooks/SLR/default.asp
Health Topic Guides