Are you a good fit for one of our programs? Read the information below and register for available classes.
Stepping On
Each Stepping On workshop has 12-16 participants. Check below to see if you are a good fit for the program:
- I am at least 60 years of age or have a health issue that puts me at risk for falling
- I have had a fall in the past year, or have a fear of falling
- I walk independently, may use a cane indoors or out, or a walker for outdoor use only
- I am cognitively intact
- I live in my home or other independent living facility
- I am able to speak conversational English or the language in which the group is being facilitated
- I am at risk of falling for other reasons …. things like
- I take more than 4 prescriptions
- I have 3 or more medical diagnoses
- I am in pain
- I have trouble making it to the bathroom on time
- I need to make modifications to my home to make it safer to get around
Living Well with Chronic Conditions
Each Living Well with Chronic Conditions workshop has 12-16 participants. Check below to see if you are a good fit for the program:
- I am at least 60 years of age
- I have a physical or mental chronic health condition, for example:
- Depression
- Arthritis
- Cancer
- Type 1 diabetes
- Lung/breathing disease
- Hypertension
- I can engage in group discussion
Living Well with Chronic Pain
Each Living Well with Chronic Pain workshop has 12-16 participants. Check below to see if you are a good fit for the program:
- I am at least 60 years of age
- I have a primary or secondary diagnosis of chronic pain, including
- Chronic musculoskeletal pain (LBP)
- Fibromyalgia
- Neuropathic pain
- I can engage in group discussion
- I feel socially isolated or depressed because of my pain
A Matter of Balance
Each Matter of Balance workshop has 10-14 participants. Check below to see if you are a good fit for the program:
- I am at least 60 years of age
- I have fallen
- I am concerned about falling
- I want to improve my strength, flexibility, and balance
- I can engage in group discussion and problem solve
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance
Each TJQMBB workshop has 10-15 participants. Check below to see if you are a good fit for the program:
- I am at least 60 years of age
- I have fallen
- I have a balance disorder, leg muscle weakness, and/or trouble walking
- I want to exercise to improve my strength, flexibility, and balance
- I walk independently but may occasionally use a cane
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Each PTC workshop has upwards of 12 participants. Check below to see if you are a good fit for the program:
- I am at least 60 years of age
- I am a family caregiver of an adult with chronic conditions
- I want to develop skills and confidence to better care for myself while caring for others